3" T-Cone Raised Head Expandable Pipe Test Plug
Brand: Sioux Chief
Part#: 882-ST302
made in usa
Usually ships: Upon availability
The t-cone plug is a pipe barrel plug (installs inside pipe) intended for use with 3" PVC (Sch. 40 only), ABS or cast iron pipe in DWV drain pressure testing applications. Raised head allows to install the plug using adjustable wrench or pliers. Not for use in FIP cleanout tees.

Warning: as with all pressure testing equipment, follow all applicable codes/procedures, manufacturer recommendations and wear safety gear when performing DWV drain tests. Stay clear of the test tees, cleanouts and pipe end while the system is under pressure.

  • Reusable - easy installation and removal
  • Raised head style - tighten with a crescent wrench or pliers
  • 100% corrosion proof - no metal parts to rust.

Technical Specifications:
  • Size: for 3" PVC (Sch. 40), ABS or Cast Iron (CI) pipe
  • Plug gasket OD: 3.068"
  • Max pressure: 20 psi.
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