PVC Inside Pipe Couplings

These fittings connect two Sch 40 PVC pipes from the inside. The sizes correspond to the PVC pipe size, so a 1" coupling would work with a 1" nominal size PVC pipe.
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Ship Pickup
1" PVC (Sch. 40) Inside Pipe Connector (Coupling), Pipe ID x Pipe ID Spears
$5.45 / each
$257.50 box of 50 + Free Shipping
($5.15 each)
1-1/2" PVC (Sch. 40) Inside Pipe Connector (Coupling), Pipe ID x Pipe ID Spears
$7.45 / each
$347.50 box of 50 + Free Shipping
($6.95 each)
2" PVC (Sch. 40) Inside Pipe Connector (Coupling), Pipe ID x Pipe ID Spears
$8.25 / each
$153.00 box of 20 + Free Shipping
($7.65 each)
3" PVC (Sch. 40) Inside Pipe Connector (Coupling), Pipe ID x Pipe ID Spears
$25.95 / each
$611.25 box of 25 + Free Shipping
($24.45 each)
4" PVC (Sch. 40) Inside Pipe Connector (Coupling), Pipe ID x Pipe ID Spears
$30.95 / each
$144.75 box of 5 + Free Shipping
($28.95 each)

What is an inside pipe PVC coupling and how to use it

In some cases, it is not possible to use a coupling of other fitting to connect to the end of the PVC pipe - a common example is when a PVC pipe has been cut flush with a concrete, masonry or metal wall.
The inside pipe coupling solves this problem, allowing to easily connect to the PVC pipe and extend it as needed. The downside of this method is the obvious drop in flow and pressure from reduced ID of the pipe and this should be taken into consideration.
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