Liberty ProVore380 series automatic grinder ejector system with a factory-installed ALM-2-1-EYE (Wi-Fi enabled) high water alarm (alarm float switch secured to the discharge pipe inside the basin).
This system is a high quality, USA-made, fully assembled and ready for installation pump, basin & alarm combo, designed to handle all residential and light commercial needs. Simply connect the piping and plug in the pump and alarm.
Unlike most sewage pumps which periodically get clogged, Liberty ProVore series powerful 1 HP grinder pump shreds wipes, rubber gloves, personal hygiene products and much more to ensure uninterrupted operation with virtually zero downtime.
- Includes factory-installed Wi-Fi enabled Liberty ALM-2-1-EYE alarm (alarm float pre-installed on the QuickTree inside basin)
- A step above the standard sewage ejector system - a powerful 1 HP grinder pump shreds wipes, rags, feminine products, food scraps & more, reducing downtime and eliminating the need for frequent servicing
- Fully assembled & ready for installation - simply plug in the cord and connect the piping
- Shipped with clear construction cover to protect the system during rough-in
- QuickTree float switch system for easy access to float without taking off main cover or removing the pump
- One-piece, heavy-duty basin with integrally molded handles, anti-flotation collar & torque stops
- Robust basin cover with (16) stainless steel bolts - fully gasketed, passes 10' stack test
- Made in the USA
Technical Specifications:
- Basin Size: 24" Wide x 24" Deep
- Basin Capacity: 41 Gallons
- Pump Model: PRG101A ProVore grinder pump (automatic, with wide-angle float switch)
- Pump Specs: 1 HP, 115V, 12A, 1-Phase, 10ft cord (w/ plug)
- Alarm Specs: Wi-Fi (wireless), 115V (w/ 9V battery backup), pre-installed, plug-in ready, wide angle type float, 86 dB
- Connections: 2" FNPT Discharge, 2" FNPT Vent, 4" No-Hub Inlet
- Approx Weight: 90 lbs
3-year warranty
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