Universally compatible with all 6" Z-Flex chimney liners (standard, Smoothcore, pre-insulated, etc.).
Tee adapter/fitting is used where the flue (exhaust) pipe of the appliance enters the masonry chimney horizontally. The tee redirects the flue pipe vertically, allows connection to the liner and has a removable cleanout cap at the bottom for cleaning, inspection, etc.
Z-Lok tee is much easier to install than other similar tees thanks to the twist-lock patented mechanism which secures the center (middle) branch with just a twist.
Durable, solid stainless steel design suitable for all-fuel applications.
Length (side outlet to side outlet): 14".
Z-Lok (removable center piece) section length: 9.5"
- Hart & Cooley/AmeriVent/Selkirk: 6MFFT
- DuraVent: 6DFS-T
- Chim Cap Corp: CH6RT
- For transitioning from horizontal to vertical chimney pipe/liner runs
- Great for tight chimney spaces
- More secure and easier to install/disconnect than similar tees on the market - secures with a minimal 20° roration into the Z-Lok position
- Suitable for all fuel types, including wood and pellet stove applications
- Removable bottom cleanout cap
- Made from tough 304 Stainless Steel for enhanced corrosion resistance and harsh weather conditions
- For use in natural draft application only
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